Monday, June 16, 2014

Pain Pain Go Away, Oils are here to Save the Day!

Saturday was a great day. We spent time as a family, ate a picnic in the backyard, and took a field trip to the ER! We have a smallish pool in the backyard, about 3 feet deep, while my husband was dutifully cleaning the pool I decided to jump in the pool and get him all wet. As I jumped in I landed on my foot and surfaced with a nice, giant goose egg on the side of my ankle.

My husband, the gallant knight that he is, quickly ushered me to the van, rounded up the kids, and various necessities. In the midst of the commotion I had the mental clarity (thank Heaven!) to ask him to get my oils. I was in so much pain I wanted to vomit and I was shaking, on the way to the hospital I applied Deep Relief Roll-On and Panaway two or three times. By the time we reached the hospital (about a 15 minute drive) the pain had reduced to manageable and the shaking had subsided. While in the ER I continued with both oils, plus some Lavender I found in my purse, every 20 minutes or so. I completed the entire ER visit without one pain pill or any other pain reliever aside from the oils.

 We found out it was a sprain and not break, which we were incredibly grateful to hear. By the time we got home, a few hours later, the swelling had started to go down. Over the past couple days I have continued to apply the oils as the pain came back. Truly I am grateful to loving God who created an earth with all that we need to help heal and nourish our bodies.