Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Autism - Hope for Healing

About 12 years ago I worked at a school exclusively for autistic children. At the time there were very few options for children autism, not much was known about it and it was downright inconceivable to hope for a cure. We used a revolutionary and alternative method known as the Son-Rise Program, what made their program unique was the belief and proof that autism could be cured. So many people scoffed at it and said it was impossible. Fast forward 12 years and autism is a household word, most people, if not all, know or have a child with autism. It's a struggle for each family as they try to find treatment, help, therapy, and sanity. The fact that families have information available, doctors and other professional to turn to, as well as a myriad of books, treatments, and programs available is a miracle. Families finally have a reason to hope, stories of children exhibiting improvement and displaying signs of progress are found all over the internet. Many families find hope in a variety of therapies and medicines, among the multitude of options is natural supplements such herbs and essential oils. The following story illustrates the benefits of using essential oils. 

 The story comes from Dori Walker.
"I have to share an exciting testimonial. My son, age 13, has Down syndrome and Autism. He is severely impacted. He functions at about a 2-3 year old level, maybe 4 in some areas, but that's it. But, I have heard that Cedarwood works really well on kids with Down syndrome, so I ordered some and started putting it on all 3 of my younger kids toes. (I have a daughter who also has Down syndrome, and a son who has a myriad of other health issues, one being learning disabilities.) I figured if it helped any of them, I'd be happy. Honestly, I wasn't expecting much. Well, I started noticing right away that my older son (who has been classified as non-verbal, since he has a vocabulary of less than 100 words) was beginning to talk more. And he's been speaking clearer, too, so the words he DOES say I could understand better. But today... well today was the day that he blew me out of the water. See, I've been working on getting him to say his name since he was little. He would say it for ME on occasion, but never to anyone else. He was at our church today, doing some crafts (another thing he doesn't usually have patience for), and when he got done, he came to where I was sitting (I work in our church office) and got under a table to decompress. Another little boy, about 3 or 4 years old came over and asked my son his name... He actually looked up at him, and said "An-Dy" (Andy). I don't think I can fully convey just how astonishing this is, unless you live in my shoes. It is literally a miracle! Andy is starting to make progress in communication, and the fact that he actually ANSWERED a question IS HUGE! I totally credit God and Young Living Cedarwood oil for this progress!! It's truly one of the happiest days of my life!! Thank you YL! You have given me so much hope!"

I echo with my sentiments, thanks be to God who created such a wonderful world with all of its beneficial herbs, spices, flowers, trees, shrubs, and all other plants that provide health and healing. Thanks also be given to those who research to find the medicinal plants, discover their uses and how best to minister them. Oils and herbs bless my family on a near daily basis, hardly a day goes by when I am not reminded of miracles that await in my medicine cabinet.