Friday, May 30, 2014

There's an oil for....what? Part 1

You're all excited about your new essential oils. They smell great and you've heard amazing tales of how they can improve your life. You know lavender is calming and peppermint is refreshing, maybe you have even enjoyed lemon in your water. But now a month has passed, maybe a few months and the bottles that once held the possibilities to a healthier life have become a display for your dust collection. Perhaps your faith has wavered because you haven't seen the amazing results you were hoping for, maybe you're a little annoyed at "how much money I spent."
Well, there's no time like the present to change the future. In this series I will introduce the 10 the basic oils that come in the Young Living Premium Starter Kit.

Photo credit Veronica Boulden  

We will explore benefits of each oil and discuss the what's, why's, how's, and when's of each oil. Hopefully as we go through this series you will begin to be more confident in the oils and your ability to use them. Soon you'll be able to say with confidence, "there's an oil for that and I know just the one!"

The first oil in our series is Lemon.

From Essential Oil Pocket Reference
"Research by Jean Valnet MD, showed that vaporized lemon oil can kill meningococcus bacteria in 15 minutes, typhoid bacilli (causes typhoid fever) in one hour, staphylococcus aureus (more commonly known as staph infection) in two hours pneumococcus bacteria in three hours. Even a .02% solution of lemon can kill diptheria bacteria in 20 minutes and inactivate tuberculosis bacteria." In other words, it's really good stuff.

What problems, ailments, and issues (aside from those mentioned above) can Lemon be used for?

  • Skin care - (avoid applying to skin 24 hours before skin will be exposed to sunlight or UV light)
    • Cleanse the skin
    • Reduce Wrinkles
    • Fight Acne
    • Helps reduce Varicose Veins
    • Lemon Honey Sugar Scrub from Homemade Mommy
  • Physical Health
    • Helps aid in Weight Loss
    • Combat Parasites
    • Clear Urinary Tract Infections
    • Improve Circulation
    • Help with Digestive Issues
    • Boost Immune System
    • Combat Tumor Growth
    • Antiseptic (helps prevent infection
  • Mental and Psychological Help
    • Antidepressant
    • Mental Clarity
    • Improve Memory 
    • Improve Concentration
    • Calms Anxiety
    • Calm Hypertension
    • Improves Relaxation
    • Invigorating
  • House and Home care - Oils placed on the feet can be absorbed into every cell of the body in 21 minutes. Now imagine what kinds of things your body is absorbing by using things like bleach, harsh cleansers, and powders. Natural cleaning doesn't just benefit the environment but also can have a profound effect on mental and physical health
    • Replace cleaning solutions with a bottle filled with water and several drops of Lemon Essential Oil. 
    • Cleaning tip - when adding essential oils to cleaning solution it is important to use a dark colored glass bottle. I like to use left over Perrier bottles. A regular squirt nozzle will work fine, you can recycle one from another bottle or purchase them from a website like Abundant Health

    Obligatory Disclaimer - Any suggestions made on this website are very specific to Young Living essential oils and should not be used with oils from another source. Statements made on this website about Young Living Essential Oils have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products and information are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Anyone suffering from disease or injury should consult with a physician. If you are currently on medication, do NOT stop it.

    Thursday, May 22, 2014

    Mental Clarity and Emotional Support

    Needed an emotional boost and some clarity this morning after a difficult night. Searching for help I grabbed my Essential Oils pocket reference. I flipped it open and the page I landed on was for the blend Magnify Your Purpose (side note - I love the names they come up with for their blends). I don't have this particular blend on hand so I combed through the ingredients to see if I had one of the single oils. I came across Patchouli and loved the discription - "is very high in sesquiterpenes that stimulate the limbic center of the brain. It re-establishes mental and emotional equilibrium and energizes the mind. It promotes grounding and helps center the emotions, allowing the mind to relax and let go of jealousies, obsessions, and insecurities." I love how when I need help God directs me to exactly what I need. I placed the oil on my wrists, back of my neck and the souls of my feet. After about 20 minutes I am feeling so much better, I feel I have the ability to focus and also let go of the negative thoughts running through my brain.

    Tuesday, May 20, 2014

    A Tale of Two Pain Relievers

    Yesterday morning my husband woke up with a migraine. He has suffered from migraines since he was a kid. Since we've been married it seems that migraines occur about every couple months, but more frequently if there is extra stress. Since they occur so often, I know the routine. He wakes up with a migraine, takes Excedrin®, and sleeps in a dark room until the pain has subsided enough. Usually it takes several hours for the pain to go away even with the medicine, and even then there is still a residual headache and some sensitivity to light. He really is out of commission for the entire day.
    Well, yesterday when he woke up with the migraine I suggested we try some oils. Deep Relief˙Roll-On was my suggestion. I applied the oil starting behind and around his ear, up around the hair line and back down behind the other ear. Then I applied some to his neck, along the spine. I then left, hoping that it would have at least some effect. By noon he was out of bed and at his computer working, around 2 pm he was interacting with the kids, and by that evening he joined us for dinner in the sunlit dinning room, gave piggy-back rides to the kids, and helped me get them to bed. Over the course of 10 1/2 years of marriage I have never seen him bounce back so quickly and completely. By yesterday evening you wouldn't even know he had any kind of headache, much less a migraine.

    Monday, May 19, 2014

    Bug bites - From AAACK!!! to AHHHHH!

    Last night I decided it was a good idea to go berry picking in a field wearing flip flops, a skirt, and short sleeve shirt. In other words I decided to give the mosquitos and chiggers a feast. The wild black berries were I ate for breakfast this morning were delicious, not only because they were naturally grown with nothing but rain and sunshine, but also because I had a good night's rest free of any itching.
    Putting on bug repellent beforehand is optimal, but if you are like me and spontaneity overrides your common sense, then it's nice to have some relief on hand. Fortunately I was in the natural medicine capital of the US, also known as The Farm, or my in-laws house. My mother-in-law has just about every herbal and oil remedy known to man and the knowledge to go with it. In this case Apis - a homeopathic ointment and Aroma Siez from Young Living Essential Oils were the golden cure. I pretty much bathed myself in both. The bites itched for a bit, but after a while got caught up in a conversation and it wasn't until I was leaving that I noticed I didn't itch one bit. The remedy was so effective that I completely forgot that anything was wrong. There are many uses for Aroma Siez but never thought of using it for bug bites, I love finding new uses for oils!

    Tuesday, May 13, 2014

    Essential Oils Can Heal - GROSS PICTURE WARNING!! (But a great testimonial!)

    The other day I was joking around with my family and telling them that with herbs and oils I can heal anything. My brother listed off one or two ailments that he was pretty sure would require a visit to the hospital. Regardless of the doubting Thomas's (or Tim's) I maintain my belief that oils and herbs can heal just about anything, and these pictures are proof. This is not my own experience, but is a great illustration of how some oils and prayers can heal just about anything. For this wound the lady used Frankincense, Lavender, Geranium, and Helichrysum

    Her Story

    Friday, May 9, 2014

    Pain Relief - The Non-Toxic Way

    Pain relief shouldn't come at the cost of health. By using essential oils to relieve pain, you not only get relief but also the health benefits of using the oils. Ortho Sport is just one of the many oils available for relieving pain.

    The morphine bomb

    Deep Relief for inflammation and healing

    Panaway for arthritis pain, toothaches, swelling, sore muscles

    Thursday, May 1, 2014

    May Promo from Young Living

    Young Living offers many ways to save, monthly promotional offers is one of them. This is the promotion for May 2014. The Raindrop Technique® by Young Living combines ancient Lakota wisdom and select Young Living Oils to balance and restore the body and mind.