Thursday, May 22, 2014

Mental Clarity and Emotional Support

Needed an emotional boost and some clarity this morning after a difficult night. Searching for help I grabbed my Essential Oils pocket reference. I flipped it open and the page I landed on was for the blend Magnify Your Purpose (side note - I love the names they come up with for their blends). I don't have this particular blend on hand so I combed through the ingredients to see if I had one of the single oils. I came across Patchouli and loved the discription - "is very high in sesquiterpenes that stimulate the limbic center of the brain. It re-establishes mental and emotional equilibrium and energizes the mind. It promotes grounding and helps center the emotions, allowing the mind to relax and let go of jealousies, obsessions, and insecurities." I love how when I need help God directs me to exactly what I need. I placed the oil on my wrists, back of my neck and the souls of my feet. After about 20 minutes I am feeling so much better, I feel I have the ability to focus and also let go of the negative thoughts running through my brain.

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