Monday, May 19, 2014

Bug bites - From AAACK!!! to AHHHHH!

Last night I decided it was a good idea to go berry picking in a field wearing flip flops, a skirt, and short sleeve shirt. In other words I decided to give the mosquitos and chiggers a feast. The wild black berries were I ate for breakfast this morning were delicious, not only because they were naturally grown with nothing but rain and sunshine, but also because I had a good night's rest free of any itching.
Putting on bug repellent beforehand is optimal, but if you are like me and spontaneity overrides your common sense, then it's nice to have some relief on hand. Fortunately I was in the natural medicine capital of the US, also known as The Farm, or my in-laws house. My mother-in-law has just about every herbal and oil remedy known to man and the knowledge to go with it. In this case Apis - a homeopathic ointment and Aroma Siez from Young Living Essential Oils were the golden cure. I pretty much bathed myself in both. The bites itched for a bit, but after a while got caught up in a conversation and it wasn't until I was leaving that I noticed I didn't itch one bit. The remedy was so effective that I completely forgot that anything was wrong. There are many uses for Aroma Siez but never thought of using it for bug bites, I love finding new uses for oils!

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