Tuesday, May 20, 2014

A Tale of Two Pain Relievers

Yesterday morning my husband woke up with a migraine. He has suffered from migraines since he was a kid. Since we've been married it seems that migraines occur about every couple months, but more frequently if there is extra stress. Since they occur so often, I know the routine. He wakes up with a migraine, takes Excedrin®, and sleeps in a dark room until the pain has subsided enough. Usually it takes several hours for the pain to go away even with the medicine, and even then there is still a residual headache and some sensitivity to light. He really is out of commission for the entire day.
Well, yesterday when he woke up with the migraine I suggested we try some oils. Deep Relief˙Roll-On was my suggestion. I applied the oil starting behind and around his ear, up around the hair line and back down behind the other ear. Then I applied some to his neck, along the spine. I then left, hoping that it would have at least some effect. By noon he was out of bed and at his computer working, around 2 pm he was interacting with the kids, and by that evening he joined us for dinner in the sunlit dinning room, gave piggy-back rides to the kids, and helped me get them to bed. Over the course of 10 1/2 years of marriage I have never seen him bounce back so quickly and completely. By yesterday evening you wouldn't even know he had any kind of headache, much less a migraine.

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